I am a big fun of Denzel Washington, that is why I had great expectations. Safe house is an  exciting action film with Denzel Washington (Tobin Frost), Ryan Reynolds (Matt Weston), Vera Farmiga (Catherine Linklater), Brendan Gleeson (David Barlow), Sam Shepard (Harlan Whitford), RubĂ©n Blades (Carlos Villar), Nora Arnezeder (Ana) and Robert Patrick (Kiefer).

Denzel Washington stars as Tobin Frost,  the CIA-s most dangerous traitor, while Matt Weston (Ryan Reynolds) is a young CIA agent who works as the “housekeeper” of a safe house in South Africa. Their common story starts when Frost was taken to this safe house and Weston realizes that Frost has a serious secret about CIA.  When the safe house to which he is remanded is attacked by brutal mercenaries, a rookie is forced to help him escape.

Unfortunately the movie has not so unique storyline,  Washington’s performance was one of the best things about the film. I have already seen a lot of movies about similar stories, and I easily forgot about them.   But if you’re looking for an avarage action movie with a good actor, it’s a good choice.

Watch the trailer for Safe House (2012):

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Preview from the subtitle of the trailer of Safe House (2012) in english:

00:00:09,587 --> 00:00:12,587
he was one of the most brilliant CIA Operatives we ever had...

00:00:13,963 --> 00:00:15,063
...until he went Rogue.

00:00:16,253 --> 00:00:19,253
He is responsible for the deaths of multiple agents.

00:00:23,256 --> 00:00:26,256
This guy is not going to just walk into an
 American Consulate without good reason.

00:00:30,733 --> 00:00:32,033
So what's new in Capetown?

00:00:32,774 --> 00:00:33,850
CIA Safe House , South Africa

00:00:34,001 --> 00:00:34,901
 I heard a slot opened up.

00:00:34,950 --> 00:00:38,216
One slot, 37 applicants.
Every one of them with more field experience than you.

00:00:38,859 --> 00:00:42,059
How am I supposed to get more experience
 if I'm staring at 4 walls all day?

00:00:44,267 --> 00:00:45,267
This is Weston.

00:00:45,622 --> 00:00:46,922
We have a last minute reservation.

00:00:49,146 --> 00:00:50,146
Oh my God !

00:00:51,279 --> 00:00:54,979
- That's Tobin Frost.
- Kill all the survillance camera's in this room.

00:00:58,137 --> 00:00:59,137
Is this legal ?

00:01:01,224 --> 00:01:02,224
Go...go...go...go !

00:01:04,030 --> 00:01:07,030
Remember Rule No. 1: "You are responsible for your house guest".

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