Mickey Prohaska (Greg Kinnear) is a small-time insurance agent looking for a way to jump-start his business, reunite with his estranged wife (Lea Thompson) and escape the frigid Wisconsin weather. This self-proclaimed master of spin believes that salesmanship is about selling a story — all he needs is a sucker willing to buy it. He hits pay dirt with a lonely retired farmer (Alan Arkin) who is sitting on something much bigger than an insurance commission. But Mickey’s attempt to con the old man spins out of control when a nosy, unstable locksmith (Billy Crudup) with a volatile temper dramatically ups the stakes, trapping him in a spiral of danger, deceit and double-crossing. Blending dark comedy and delirious Midwestern noir, THIN ICE reaches a breaking point that no one — least of all Mickey Prohaska — could ever see coming.

Director: Jill Sprecher
Writers: Jill Sprecher, Karen Sprecher
Stars: Greg Kinnear, Billy Crudup and Alan Arkin

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Preview from the english subtitle of Thin Ice (2011):

00:02:27,680 --> 00:02:30,410
Trying to figure out whether to blow
the day at the Potawatomi Museum

00:02:30,550 --> 00:02:32,450
- or the indoor water park?
- Neither.

00:02:35,788 --> 00:02:40,157
I'm not much of a hunter myself.
I got a friend who is... was.

00:02:41,161 --> 00:02:44,528
Buddy went shootin' quail and
accidentally hit him squarely in the face.

00:02:44,664 --> 00:02:46,928
Took his whole left cheek right off.

00:02:47,600 --> 00:02:50,797
Of course, he ended up suing the guy
for $1.2 million.

00:02:50,937 --> 00:02:53,269
Poor fellow lost his house, his car.
Last I heard he was

00:02:53,406 --> 00:02:56,500
out in the woods somewhere,
living in a cardboard box.

00:02:56,643 --> 00:02:58,201
All because of an accident.

00:02:58,344 --> 00:03:01,336
That's a guy who could of used
a little liability coverage.

00:03:05,585 --> 00:03:08,918
Hey. Congrats on the award.

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